find the class that
brings you grace.
Sunrise SalutationsStart your morning with intentional movement through the power of breath and sun. Incorporating the elements of a Hatha Flow, this class is rooted in the traditions of Iyengar. Both a playful and compassionately vigorous class combining dynamic movements and steady holds. All levels are welcome. Join a Class
Rise & Shine YogaStart your day with intention, mindfully breathing, and flowing through all levels practice with a sprinkle of core work. Ending the class with relaxation, you will leave ready to take on your day. Join a Class
Yin YogaA beautiful slower practice that involves holding poses, mostly seated, for longer periods of time. Poses are generally held for up to 3-5 minutes with a focus on the connective tissues and the joints. The main physical benefits of yin yoga are the hydration of the connective tissues and the increased blood flow in the joints. We tap into our parasympathetic nervous system so we can relax and allow our body to do its natural magic restoring and nourishing our tissues and systems. This is a great counter practice for the more physical heat building and muscular-focused core and vinyasa flow yoga classes.
VinyasaIn this free-flowing creative vinyasa practice, you can let loose, flow, and have fun! Breathwork, sun salutations, standing postures, and maybe an arm balance or inversion might be offered but not always needed! Free play, modifications, invitations only, and always! This is your practice. Join a Class
MysoreJoin us for this inclusive, open style of practice that invites you to delve deeper into your personal yoga practice with an opportunity to explore the Ashtanga Yoga method. Mysore style engages students in a self-paced, individualized practice in a group setting. This class format allows for each student to move at their own pace through the same sequence of postures and to receive adjustments and support from an experienced teacher. Beginners to Ashtanga will be taught according to their personal level of comfort and safety. ​ *For those wishing to practice Ashtanga, prior experience is helpful but not necessary
Hatha FlowA progressive class incorporates a flow from pose to pose while postures are traditionally held for longer periods of time, developing strength, flexibility, bodily relaxation, and mental concentration. A variety of modifications will be offered to encourage participation and challenge students' personal practice. Seated, standing, and inverted postures weaved into a practice that offers options to more advanced students yet fun and non-intimidating options for students of all levels. Join a Class
More CoreUnroll your yoga mat for an invigorating full-body flow where you’ll explore postures and the fundamental principles of Vinyasa yoga. Sun Salutations and focused core work to build heat, progressing to strong standing and balance postures, allowing students to set and build upon the foundation of their practice. Join a Class
Good Morning FlowThis All Levels class will help you discover the ways of observing your deeper self in order to restore and maintain balance in your life. The class will focus on the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Space to positively influence your mental and physical health through the natural yoga of meditation and movement. It will inspire creative confidence, relaxed perspectives and regenerate lifestyle choices. Practice will consist of an opening meditation, gentle stretching, vinyasa flow and a restorative svasana. Props and modifications will be incorporated and encouraged when needed. Join a Class
Gentle FlowLearn to integrate the foundations of classic yoga in this class geared toward both new and regular yoga practioners: breathing techniques, postural alignment and how to be more present to your mind, body and spirit. You will learn how to build strength and balance by creating a solid foundation that is rooted in good alignment, body awareness, breath and movement. The foundations of yoga accompanied by a gentle vinyasa flow that is suitable for all levels! Join a Class
Lunch Flow & GoThe perfect mid-day break! Move with intention to invigorate the body and mind, linking mindful breath and postures to release tension and stress to finish out the day with clear energy. Join a Class
Candlelight Movement & MeditationIndulge in a tranquil vinyasa class, uniting mind, body, and breath by candlelight. This introspective practice strikes a balance between movement & stillness, strength & surrender and leaves you feeling open, refreshed, and connected to your own inner light. Meditation will be incorporated into each offering. The best Sunday treat. Join a Class
Power FlowWhen cardio meets yoga, Power Flow is created. An exciting, vigorous Vinyasa style flow, linking breath, mind, and body. The practice incorporates mindful breath, strength, balance, and athleticism into one experience. This is an all-level class that will challenge and bring a renewed sense of energy and joy no matter what skill or experience the student brings to the mat. Join a Class
Vinyasa Warrior FlowA vinyasa-based class designed for the student that wants to be more challenged in a fun warrior flow. You will move through a strong and well-rounded practice that includes core work, flexibility, balance, inversions, and movement. Taught with options for taking it easy or practicing the full expression of the poses to build strength and confidence in your practice.
Yin NidraThe class for ultimate deep relaxation. Yin Nidra unites two powerful ways to relax with the combination of the two styles: Yin and Nidra. You will be guided through several yin yoga postures to help deeply lengthen your muscles and connective tissue, focusing on the improvement of joint mobility and overall flexibility. Nidra, or yogic sleep, will allow for a release into deep relaxation, lying comfortably as you are guided through a restful meditation where students approach a similar state of sleep while experiencing a sense of wakeful awareness. Join a Class
RestorativeGive yourself the healing gift of conscious relaxation with this deeply therapeutic style of Restorative Yoga. Let stress and tension melt away as you are guided through longer-held, fully supported postures. Breathwork is used to deepen the relaxation response to balance body, mind, and spirit. Some gentle movement to warm and prepare the body to let go and receive. You will emerge rooted and revitalized. Join a Class
Flow to RestoreA gentle class put together with postures designed to restore wellness, sequenced with gentle stretches, breathing, and movements to systematically increase the range of motion in joints while increasing energy in tired, sore muscles. This class is ideal for students with chronic or acute symptoms including muscle/joint pain, stiffness, weakness or fatigue. Relax and Restore. Join a Class
Happy Hour YogaJoin a Class
private instruction

Private sessions are offered to students in need of a more focused yoga experience through a personalized practice. Private instruction allows for an individualized yoga experience that group classes do not offer. They are an ideal option for practitioners seeking to deepen their yoga practice, desire to focus on specific areas of the body, or learn about other holistic wellness options, including meditation, mindful breath work, and energy healing. During private sessions, we will focus on the individual client’s condition and seek out the yoga techniques that can best improve the function of the body or provide relief to a health condition if one exists. Yoga, and its many benefits, heals.
Private sessions are meant for you...
Have a full schedule and are seeking practice times that are a better fit for you
Wish to deepen your practice through personalized yoga sessions
Seeking further education related to yoga and other related self-care options
Desire to focus on specific areas of the body or ailments that need attention
For more information or details on scheduling, please inquire here
believe you can and
you're halfway there

meet our teachers
We pride ourselves on our instructor's education and passion for the art.
Each member of our team brings such a beautiful and unique energy to our studio. They spread their light, care, and healing knowledge to our community and they do so with open, accepting hearts.
Come see for yourself at Laurel Grace.